Saturday, June 03, 2006

burung manyar

burung manyar itu terbang tinggi di jernihnya udara solo, sekali hinggap pada tralis rumah loji tempatku berteduh. jam menunjuk pukul 9 pagi entah mengapa bau karat dan plitur membuatku teringat pulau buru, pak pram dan gadis berbaju putih di malam itu.......betapa misteri. sambil kubuka secarik kertas.................
.........This Earth of Mankind
Pramoedya Ananta Toer
This Earth of Mankind
Chapter 1
People call me Minke.
"My own name ... for the time being I need not tell it. Not because I'm crazy for mystery. I've thought about it quite a lot: I don't really need to reveal who I am before the eyes of others"


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